
A few months ago when I travelled to Europe, I found a very economical moisturizing serum - Loreal Youth Code. It varies from Euro 14.99 to 19.99 for 30mL. This serum targets women in the 30's. So, if you are between 30-40 years old, try it and you will sure like it! Major airports have this product. I heard from my friends that Shanghai has the same product but too bad, not Hong Kong.

My friends always ask me which moisturizing mask to shop in Japan. After wasting a lot of money on different masks, I finally found one of the best. It is the Shiseido Elixir Superieur moisture fix mask. It is 2650yen for 6 pieces. I am not sure if it is available in Hong Kong because I seldom shop in Hong Kong. Do give it a try girls!


日本人的 www.openrice.com 就是 www.tabelog.com

香港人要找東西吃就去 www.openrice.com 搜尋心水餐廳,日本人在日本就用 www.tabelog.com! 雖然大家未必看得懂別人留下的食評,但看看相片又看看點數評分就知道間餐廳是否正菜!又有app可以download,可以從所在地500米/1km/3km範圍內找想吃的食物,真的很好用!

有些比較熱門的餐廳需要訂位,那怎麼辦?之前未學會日文,就寫張email or fax寫上資料傳過去,重要資料包括姓名、電話(香港手提便可,他們見是長途電話,大部分都不會早一天打給你reconfirm,那就不怕roaming的問題)、入住酒店名稱電話、預訂日期同時間、幾位就ok ,但請各位留意,訂了位就一定要準時出席,日本人很自律,所以他們很少reconfirm,大家講個「信」字,我們香港人不要破壞自己的名聲,準時出席吧!如果真的要cancel,那就叫酒店代勞,通常無問題。

遇到一些沒有email or fax 的餐廳,我以前會叫酒店幫忙。如果有識日文的朋友就最好啦!可以勞煩一番

日本旅行訂酒店 - www.jalan.net

未學懂日文之前已膽粗粗試用這個website -- www.jalan.net 去訂酒店,全程日文但好多大家都應看得懂的漢字,所以應該操控得來。最近我見這網頁開通了英文版,應該更容易訂房吧!請留意用日文版的話會有多一些選擇,是因為有些酒店沒有加入英文訂房計劃。

從這裏訂房有些是比較便宜,例如我每次到東京住的酒店東新宿SunRoute Hotel只是大約 7000yen左右(但必須於入住21日前訂房)。但如果你訂某一些五星大酒店,可能旅行社的package價會便宜少少。我用得着是因為很多時候我去東京都是用mileage換機票,那麼房間我就直接從這網站預訂。







First Birthday Dinner 2009

I didnt expect my first birthday dinner in 2009 started a month early, but it was the sweetest memory so far. My husband Wavey boy turned to be Chef Wave. He decorated the whole rooftop with candles and flowers. It was a surprise!

We had a 6-course dinner all cooked by him. The taste was unexpectedly amazing given that he never cooked except instant noodle. I enjoyed my 30th Birthday with such a big surprise and I don't know what I am gonna do to surprise him back on his coming 30th birthday.

Travel research tips

I have done numerous travel researches in different parts of the world. Out of all, I enjoy researching on Japan trips the best. It's simply because I know Chinese words and some Japanese characters look similar to Chinese characters. Plus, I like Japan so much that I started learning Japanese for a few months time already. Besides, Japaneses are very organized that most of the site info are very informative. Here are some useful sites I must hit every time:

1. http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
2. http://www.navitime.co.jp/
3. http://www.walkerplus.com/
4. http://tabelog.com/
5. http://www.jalan.net/highclass/
6. http://www.superfuture.com/

My upcoming destination is Scotland. It is a huge hassle when I first started my research because some of the words seem like English but they actually are not. For example, I want to go fishing in Scotland and I am not a regular, so I was so confused with some words like fishing "beat", "rod" and "loch". At first I thought they are some fishing jargon, but they turn out to mean something else in Scottish English. Fishing "beat" means a fishing site. A rod is actually a fisherman and loch means lake. Below shows a bit of my favorite Scottish sites:

1. http://www.visitscotland.com/
2. http://www.tastings.com/spirits/scotch.html
3. http://www.fishpal.com/VisitScotland/index.asp?dom=VisitScotland
4. http://www.aonachmor.co.uk/index.html
5. http://www.glentanar.co.uk/
6. http://www.highlandclubdirect.com/
7. http://www.wildernesscottages.co.uk/index.asp


a meaningful wedding favor

Yi Bei Zi (一杯子) means "one cup" in Chinese. Phonetically, it also means "one life/whole life" (一輩子) in Chinese.

By receiving this wedding favor, which is "Yi Bei Zi", all of us greet the newly weds a whole life being together. It is such a meaningful gift.